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What is CCCP

CCCP is our custom package manager built in The C Programming Language. It is designed to simplify your interaction with packages using the OUR package repository.

How to use CCCP

CCCP is a command line tool, so you need to be familiar with the terminal to use it. We've designed it to be as user-friendly as possible.


  • Everyday Options:

    • -h or --help: Prints a help message
    • -v or --version: Prints the version of the package manager
    • -i or --install followed by the package name: Installs a package from OUR repo
    • -r or --remove followed by the package name: Removes a package from the system
    • -l or --list: Lists all the packages that are installed on your system
    • -s or --search followed by the package name/query: Finds a package
    • --update: Checks for any updates in your system
    • --upgrade: Upgrades all the packages that are installed in your system
  • Advanced Options:

    • -Yy or -Nn: Automatically accept or decline the prompts accordingly
    • --no-checksum: Skips the checksum verification
    • -ow or --overwrite: Overwrites installed packages
    • -dbg or --debug followed by a number from 0 to 4: Indicates the debug level
    • --verbose: Switches to verbose output
    • -pkg or --package followed by a path to an .ecmp file: Installs directly from the file

Advanced Options should only be used if you know what you are doing