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Creating Packages for Soviet-Linux

Creating packages for OUR Repository is highly appreciated. Below are the details on how to create them.

Details about Packages

Each package is created using the .ecmp file format.

Creating a Package

There are two different ways to create a package.

Using the mkspm Program

This method is recommended as it is easier. mkspm is a Python file that is part of spm-utils. It can be obtained by downloading this.

  1. Download mkspm.
  2. Generate a template ecmp. When you run mkspm, you should also provide the package name followed by a URL from where you can download the package. The full command should look like this:

mkspm nameofthepackage urltowhereyoudownloadthepackage

For example: mkspm bash

  1. Make Some Changes When you run mkspm it creates a template .ecmp file, meaning that the file needs to be edited to be a valid file. For more information, see the .ecmp file format documentation.

Making it from scratch

To make an .ecmp file from scratch, see the .ecmp file format documentation. This should help you build a package file.

Testing a Package File

This is an essential step when you want to make a package, to ensure that the package actually works properly. To do this, you need spm-test from spm-utils.

You can test a package by running:

spm-test <package file>

Commiting and Contributing to OUR



  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your fork:
    To clone your fork you can use:

    git clone linktoyourrepo
  3. Make your changes (recommended make a new branch when making changes)

  4. Rebuild the database using ./mkall
  5. Commit your changes:
    To commit your changes you need to stage them you can do this by running:

    Note: You must Stage the all.db after rebuilding the database

    git add <file>

    Or for every every file you changed:

    git add -A

    Then to commit the changes(it is preffered to sign the commit so they are verified you can visit this for more information)

    Without signing:

    git commit 


    git commit -S
  6. Push your changes:
    To push your changes use:

    git push
  7. Open PR(Pull Request)